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Useful phone numbers

Useful phone numbers

Reception +31 (0) 529 451 362
Emergency number outside reception opening hours +31 (0)6 53 69 73 72

In case of emergency:
  • Call 112 if fire, police or ambulance are urgently needed.
  • State your name, the address of the campsite (Besthemerberg 1, 7731 PB Ommen) and your whereabouts at the park.
GP + General Practitioner
GP practice Carrousel
+31 (0) 529 451 451 

For urgency, call:
Emergencies on weekdays: +31 (0)529 455 511
Weekend and evening services: +31 (0)900 - 333 63 33
and for emergencies after 17.00 and before 08.00: +31 (0)900 - 333 63 33

Pharmacy +31 (0)529 451 519

Dentist practice Rijnvis +31 (0)529 452 162
Dentist practicede Graaf +31 (0)529 453 050

Isala Klinieken +31 (0)38) 424 500

Animal clinic Ommen +31 (0)529 - 456 000